Dancing Queen

‘Everybody dance!’ – With this call, the lautten compagney BERLIN, together with saxophonist Asya Fateyeva, invites the audience to embark on an exciting journey through three centuries of musical history. It seems audacious to link Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) and ABBA (1972-), two absolute giants of European music history. However, even a second listen reveals countless similarities: the originality and catchiness of their melodies, the rhythmic buoyancy and the unrestricted popularity of both building a bridge from the present day to a time when it was less the Queens and more the Kings who could be found on the dance floor. ABBA’s music is arranged, played on instruments from the baroque period and not just juxtaposed with Rameau’s music. In fact, the pieces are sometimes so fused that it is almost impossible to recognise what was penned by the late baroque Frenchman and what came from the Swedish pop quartet’s workshop.
Additional Info
- No: 8983
- Composer: Jean-Philippe Rameau, ABBA
- Orchestra: lautten compagney BERLIN
- Artists: Asya Fateyeva
- Production year: 2024
- Run time: 01:04:00
- Director: Beatrix Conrad
- Producers: Salve TV GmbH
- Format: 4K